Whether you’re a high school junior, senior, parent, or transfer student, the best way to get to know us is to visit. We welcome you to meet and connect with our campus community during one of our many visit opportunities.

Register Your Campus Visit!

Daily Campus Tours

student sitting with a laptop, on a brick wall, in the quad area of campus

Elms College is excited to host campus tours Monday-Friday at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. A typical visit lasts approximately two hours and includes an information session, a campus tour with a student ambassador, and a chance to visit the Elms bookstore. We strive to make the visit experience personal and tailored to your interests, so when you schedule your visit, please make sure to indicate if you would like to meet with coaches, faculty, or if you have a particular area of campus you’d like to visit. Click here to register.

Accelerated Nursing Information Sessions

Elms College is pleased to host information sessions specifically for students interested in the Accelerated Second Degree Nursing program. This rigorous program is highly competitive. We encourage all prospective students to join us for a brief yet informative session to learn about admission requirements, required prerequisite courses, and get the answers to all of your questions.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour our state-of-the-art simulation labs and facilities. Information sessions begin at 5:00 p.m. in the Office of Admission.

Click here to register for an Accelerated Nursing Information Session.

Saturday Campus Tour

Join Elms College for a campus tour on select Saturdays throughout the year at 10:00 a.m. A typical visit lasts approximately two hours and includes an information session and a campus tour with a student ambassador. We strive to make the visit experience personal and tailored to your interests, so when you schedule your visit, please make sure to indicate if you would like to meet with coaches, faculty, or if you have a particular area of campus you’d like to visit.

Click here to register for a Saturday Campus Tour.

Spring Open House: 4/6/24

The best way to get to know Elms College is to visit! Join us for Open House this fall and see for yourself why so many students choose to be an Elms Blazer.

Attendees will learn more about the admissions and financial aid processes, explore our academic programs, and discover how our students get involved on campus.

Interested in athletics? End your day by heading to the Maguire Center for Blazers Athletics Prospect Day where you’ll have the opportunity to connect with coaches, hear from current student athletes, and take a picture in one of our EC uniforms!

To register for Open House click here.

Accepted Students Day

You’re in. Let’s celebrate! Grab your family and friends and join us for Accepted Students Day where you’ll explore campus a little deeper. In the classroom and at the Discover Elms fair, our faculty, staff, and student-lead organizations are ready to share the opportunities that await you as an Elms Blazer.

You’ll have fun, too! Enjoy food and games on the quad as you connect with your future classmates—maybe you’ll even meet your new best friend, favorite study buddy, or future roommate. It’s sure to be an unforgettable day filled with excitement as you make your BIG decision to join the Blazer family!

To register for Accepted Students Day click here

Blazer Day Orientation

Blazer Day is the official beginning of your college career! This information-packed event is all about getting your checklist done so you’re ready to join the Blazer family. You’ll have the opportunity to get your questions answered—from course registration to payments plans, and everything in between. We’ll introduce and connect you with faculty and staff you need to make it happen. And don’t forget the fun – you’ll get to meet your new classmates, friends, and maybe even the college president.

Next orientation date: TBA
Check back soon for more information and to register.

Virtual Campus Tour

We know how important visiting campus is during your college search process. You want to check out the residence halls, the dining hall, the best coffee spot, grab a seat by our fire pit and see the quad. Or maybe you want to sit in on a class or check out an athletic team practice or game. Either way, visiting campus really does play a role in helping you make your decision.

Maybe you’re a future Blazer from a distance and are just not able to visit campus right now. We still want to show you everything Elms has to offer. Discover it by watching our virtual tour.

If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact our office directly at admissions@cherryplumcreations.com or 413-592-3189.

Special Group Visits

If you would like to bring a group of students to campus for a visit, we may be able to accommodate you for one of our regular visit options, offer a virtual visit, or we may be able to offer a special group visit with an information session and tour during normal business hours.

Please contact admissions@cherryplumcreations.com or call 413-592-3189 to discuss this option in further detail.